Vera Fitriya Ersalena さん(生物有機化学研究室)が13th PARIS International Conference on Chemical, Agriculture, Biological and Environmental Sciences (PABEMS-18)にてThe best session paper賞を受賞
平成30年9月17日から19日に、パリで開催された13th PARIS International Conference on Chemical, Agriculture, Biological and Environmental Sciences (PABEMS-18)において、応用生物化学専攻修士課程2年のVera Fitriya Ersalena さん(生物有機化学研究室)が、以下の演題でThe best session paper賞を受賞しました。
発表演題:「Initial studies on isolation and characterization of antioxidant compounds from immature berries of Ampelopsis grandulosa」
Vera Fitriya Ersalena, Hiroyuki Miyazaki, Kosaku Takahashi, Koichiro Hara, Hideyuki Matsuura
本国際会議は、機能性食素材の探索、その成分の作用機序の解明や有効利用など、基礎から応用までを幅広く扱う国際会議です。The best session paper賞は優れた発表をした研究者に送られる賞です。
An oral presentation by Vera Fitriya Ersalena (Master of Division of Applied Bioscience 2nd year, Laboratory of Natural Product Chemistry) at 13th PARIS International Conference on Chemical, Agriculture, Biological and Environmental Sciences (PABEMS-18) from September 17th to 19th, 2018 is honored as the best session paper award.
Presentation Subject: “Initial studies on isolation and characterization of antioxidant compounds from immature berries of Ampelopsis grandulosa“
Vera Fitriya Ersalena, Hiroyuki Miyazaki, Kosaku Takahashi, Koichiro Hara, Hideyuki Matsuura
The conference, is an international conference that deals broadly from basic to applied, such as exploring functional ingredients of foods and elucidating the mechanism of action of ingredients and utilization. The best session paper prize is an award sent to researchers who made excellent presentations.