Masanori Uchiyama (Laboratory of Biochemistry) and Napaporn Chintagavongse (Laboratory of Applied Food Science) won the Excellent Presentation Award, Hokkaido Branch of the Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry2024-07-26
農学・食資源学事務部の一斉休業について(令和6年8月13日(火))Notice of Summer Closure(2024.8.13 Tuesday)2024-07-08
本ウェブサイトの一時公開停止について(9月1日(金)16時~9月4日(月)14時頃)/Temporary suspension of service -this web pages (16:00 Fri. September 1 – 14:00 Mon. September 4)2023-08-15
Three alumni of the Graduate School of Agriculture got appointed as the Hokkaido University Partners2021-08-26
本ウェブサイトの一時公開停止について(9月3日(金)16時~9月6日(月)14時頃)/Temporary suspension of service -this web pages (16:00 Fri. September 3 – 14:00 Mon. September 6)2021-08-19
【Research Press Release】Bovine embryo completely regenerates placenta-forming cells2020-02-14
Temporary suspension of service -this web pages (14:00 Sat. August 31 – 13:00 Mon. September 2)2019-08-21
Hokkaido University delegation visits the National University of Singapore about joint agricultural program2019-01-31
Dean Faculty of Agriculture and Dean Graduate School Global Food Resources and two Faculty members of Hokkaido University visited to Kasetsart University Faculty of Agriculture.2018-12-19
Application deadline for October admission2017-04-14