Laboratory of Soil Conservation

Material cycle for sustainable agriculture and mass transport processes in soils


  • NameE-mail Address
  • Position
  • Degree
  • HAMAMOTO Shoichiro
  • Professor
  • Doctor (Engineering)


Researchers’ directory
  • KASHIWAGI Jun-ichi
  • Lecturer
  • Ph.D (agriculture)


Researchers’ directory
  • Takahiro Tatsuno
  • Assistant Professor
  • Doctor (Agriculture)


Researchers’ directory


Selected Publications

  1. Zhou, Z., Ishiguro, M., Kashiwagi, J., Araki, H., Zhou P., and Soluttanvong, S.: Effect of inter-tillage weeding on rice yield, rice growth, and nutrient dynamics without agrochemical and fertilizer application: results of a three-year study, Soil & Tillage Research (2023) (in press)
  2. Hamamoto, S., Ohko, Y., Ohtake, Y., Moldrup, P., and Nishimura. T: Water- and air-filled pore networks and transport parameters under drying and wetting processes. Vadose Zone Journal,, (2022)
  3. Hossain, M.I., Ishiguro, M.: Precise estimation of dodecylbenzenesulfonate in aqueous solution containing dissolved organic matter extracted from soil using UV-spectrometry. European J. Soil Science 73, (2022)
  4. Ca, N. T., Hamamoto, S., and Nishimura, T.: Effects of soil amendments on pH and aggregate stability of saline sodic soil and acid sulfate soil in Mekong delta, Viet Nam. J. Japanese Society of Soil Physics 141: 3-18, (2019)
  5. Ning, Z., Ishiguro, M., Koopal, L.K., Sato, T., Kashiwagi, J. : Comparison of strontium retardation for kaolinite, illite, vermiculite and allophane. J. Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 317:409-419, (2018)

Specialized Fields

Research Keywords

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