Molecular tools for our future

Within various living organisms, there exists a great resource of hidden materials with unknown functions that can be expected to contribute to agriculture and human life in the near future. If the 20th century was considered an era propelled by engineering, then the 21st century will be the one pioneered by life science and resources from living organisms.

This department covers educational research fields that focuses on exploring valuable life phenomena at the molecular level (nucleic acids, proteins, organic compounds), and the potential for various biosynthetic production to benefit mankind. As the expectation of life science rapidly grows, we are committed to developing human resources that can meet these challenges for our future society.


  • Department of Applied Bioscience is comprised of following 8 fields.

  • It’s a field which becomes a bridge between agriculture – practical science – and cutting-edge life science.

  • The keyword is Molecular (gene, protein, organic compound) .

  • Each laboratory gathered to “comprehend life phenomena at the molecular level,” manifold special studies are proceeding, such as breeding of rice, insects and plants. 
    All laboratories are aiming at contribution to “applied” technologies which can be returned to society.