Comprehensive science linking agricultural science and economic society, from production to consumption

In rural Nepal (2011)

The world population was 7 billion in the beginning of 2012, and it is expected to be 8 billion in 2025. What would the food or natural environment be then in relation to humans? Unbalanced growth of the world economy has led to an asymmetrical global pattern of gorging and starving. In addition, biological species are getting extinct and resources such as soil and water are becoming scarce, while the production of food has increased. Presently, Japan depends on imported food although it has rich farmland. How can we solve such serious issues?

The need of the hour is to rejuvenate the coexistence of humans and nature while re-evaluating diverse forms of agriculture. In addition, finding solutions to these problems and creating a new framework is required. This is the present role and goal of agricultural economics. You can participate in our various seminar activities to broaden your knowledge sphere and acquire a scientific perspective of the world.


  • Department of Agricultural Economics has the following 7 research groups.

  • The department’s biggest feature is “integration of humanities and science,” which applies the principles of humanities to agricultural science.

  • Our research field reaffirms the conditions in Hokkaido, Japan and worldwide through agricultural economics, for instance, Hokkaido’s original large-scale farming and Japanese inherent cooperative.

  • The root of the department can be traced back to Professor Inazo Nitobe, who became the “face” of the former 5000-yen bill. “Tradition and foresight” over one century has been uninterruptedly inherited until now.

  • The department has its own quality library with professional librarians. It was named at the time of its establishment as “Westcott and Lewis Library” after the book donors.