Laboratory of Agricultural and Rural Development

Economic analysis of diffusion of technology and management of common-pool resources


  • NameE-mail Address
  • Position
  • Degree
  • KONDO Takumi
  • Professor
  • Ph.D


Researchers’ directory
  • AIZAKI Hideo
  • Associate Professor
  • Ph.D


Researchers’ directory

Selected Publications

  1. Aizaki H., Nakatani T., and Sato K. (2014) Stated Preference Methods Using R. FL: CRC Press.
  2. Rondhi M., and Kondo T. (2014) Smallholding rubber farming in Indonesia: Is it efficient?. Journal of Rural Economics, Special Issue 2013 89-96.
  3. Takahashi T., Aizaki H., Sato T., Guo N., Nakashima Y., Ogawa S., Yamada N., and Zheng X. (2013) In-crisis delivery rate: A novel measure of success in communal water management. Paddy and Water Environment 11: 503-511.
  4. Aizaki H. (2011) Basic functions for supporting an implementation of choice experiments in R. Journal of Statistical Software, 50(Code Snippet 2): 1-24.
  5. Kondo T., and Park H. (2011) Sustainable agricultural development in Asia and study partnerships. In Osaki M., Braimoh AK., and Nakagami K. (eds) Designing Our Future: Local Perspectives on Bioproduction, Ecosystems and Humanity. Tokyo: United Nations University Press.

Specialized Fields

Research Keywords

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